Monday, 9 April 2012

Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Many people suffer from lower back pain.they eat a lot of pills everyday,but there is no what is the best way which can help to relieve some of the pain you are feeling?The answer is exercise.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain symptoms are commonly experienced by most people at some point in their lives. That's because the lower back bears much of the body's weight and is also the site of much of the body's bending and twisting. Those factors lead to injury and wear and tear more quickly in the lumbar region than in other areas of the spine. The result can be symptoms that include numbness, tingling, burning, swelling and stiffness. Fortunately, for many sufferers, after a few days or weeks the body heals the cause of the pain and the symptoms disappear. For some, however, the lower back pain continues.
Lower back pain is usually caused by injury and strain through lifting heavy things, twisting, or bending. Sometimes performing a simple task like picking up a pen from the floor can hurt your back. In serious situations low back pain can be caused by an infection, a tumor, a rheumatic or arthritic medical condition.
Here are some exercises you could try
There are many exercises that can help relieve lower back pain. Some of them will be easier than others and some will work for you if others won't.
1. The first exercise you can look at is more to help ease the pain you are feeling. To do this exercise you will need a flat surface to lie on. Lie on your back and then bring your knees up and hold onto your legs just below the knee. You back should press into the floor and you should feel some of the tension and pain ease.
2. Another exercise you can do is called knee to chest. This exercise is exactly what the name describes. You will need to lie on your back and bend your knees so your feet are flat on the ground. Bring one of your knees to your chest and hold it there then repeat with the other leg.
3. An exercise that you might be familiar with is the bridge. To do this you need to lie on your back and bend both knees with your feet flat on the ground. Extend your arms along your side so they are parallel with your body. Place your weight on the heels of your feet and lift your buttocks off the floor. Make sure you squeeze your buttocks and that your body is straight as you hold the position for around 10 seconds.
4. Hamstring stretches are a great way to work your lower back to ease pain. For this you will need to have a towel with you. Lie on your back and bend one of your knees so that your foot is flat on the ground. Straighten your other leg but do not lock your knee. Put the towel under the ball of your foot of the extended leg. Pull the towel toward you until you feel a gentle stretch down your leg and back. Hold that position for at least 30 seconds.

If you want to know more exercises that can help people with lower back pain physical therapy courses are the place to go. These courses will cover many different exercises you can do and other ways that can help with this kind of pain. It is best that the course you go to is run by trained professionals as they will be able to answer any questions you may have.
There are many different exercises for relief of lower back pain. Of course some of them will be easier to do while others may push you a bit more. If you feel more pain after attempting any exercise do not repeat it and visit your doctor to make sure you have not damaged yourself.

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